The ESM(The main plugin) is 100+ mbs, and we are sitting at 500000+ records, only 72000 shy of the entire vanilla game! How big is the Frontier map or worldspace? The current asset size is above 19 gbs and it is set to only get bigger with each monthly update. Size wise, this is shaping up to be one of if not the largest mod released for New Vegas, and perhaps on any Bethesda game. So everything under, essentially froze over.

Right now, the reason for a lot of snow in Portland is, when the nukes hit this location, a cloud of dust and ash went up and blocked the sun. While this is true, keep in mind that it would have been even harder to fit the NCR and the Legion that far up north with a reasonable explanation. I know some of you from Oregon may say, there is no way in hell that Portland gets this much snow and some location in Canada may fit better with the Frontier. Portland, Oregon was chosen for many reasons. The base idea of the Frontier was to construct a completely new environment from the Mojave Desert and Capital Wasteland.

However, due to a plethora of potential bugs, we strongly suggest you create a new save for playing the Frontier, to minimize potential errors. You visit the Frontier as the courier, the Frontier takes place in the same time span as the vanilla DLC’s. There is also a link to a webpage listing all of the voice actors who worked on the mod, along with a six-and-a-half-minute YouTube video showcasing the NPCs who received new VO voices, and often also got a complete digital facelift and overall graphical improvement.Fallout the frontier can now be downloaded on Nexus Mods Can I use my existing FNV character to play the mod? Do you go to the Frontier as the courier? The Nexus Mods page for Brave New World has sections for installation instructions, FAQs, known issues, mod team credits, recommended mods, and known compatibility and conflict issues. Related: Fallout New Vegas: 10 Things You Missed About Zion Canyon Hearing the same actor’s voice from so many NPCs was one of the very few negative points in FNV, and now the Brave New World mod has fixed that. The mod’s goal was to “mitigate 'cloning', and to improve upon acting, pacing, and casting.” The NPCs who had their lines revoiced were very often recorded by a single voice actor playing the part of multiple NPCs in the original FNV.

The Brave New World mod team hosted 30,000 voice actor auditions to select a list of quality actors to bring in a larger variety of personalities to 145 NPCs.

The Brave New World mod project is a voice acting overhaul of 145 NPCs, which revoices 7,000 lines of vanilla FNV dialogue. After four years of work, the Brave New World mod for FNV is complete and available to download from Nexus Mods.