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And I I think this uh this map like the house map gotta f from the Princeton gerrymandering project. I don't know if there are others, but I think a lot of us feel very strongly that we should have done it racially polarized voting analysis prior to drawing the maps and drawing the VR Districts 1st. Um looks like not only is uh senator Fitz's district. I just I know that you all had a healthy debate about the Senate maps in the Senate and these these girls mask, but I think it can't go without saying that um a lot of us have concerns about the potential violation of the voting rights act. Represented Hawkins gentlemen recognized. Further discussion or debate on the bill. All three of those districts were formed by the Stevenson pairings of counties. Uh that contains one member and district 11 is a three county Hall county pod. District four is a three county hall county pod. District five forms a two count ipod uh which those two counties contain a single member district. Uh when we follow the Stevenson criteria that exists six. Yeah, the answer is actually pretty simple when you look at what our districts four or five and 11. And I'd like to know why, why did you place us and with this configuration, since since we in Wilson County have very little to do with those other two communities of interest.

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Representative cooper Suggs, Thank you Mr. So how about it further discussion or debate on the proposed a sentiment. So the chair will note that the leverage is in our hands now, they've already passed our map. We just put the House map through the Senate committee and it went through flawlessly with no amendments as well. Uh if you have any specific questions, uh We did take a couple of Democratic debates of the Senate process uh to change some things and uh I'll be happy to answer anything else you may have might be important to note. We only split 11 Out of 552 municipalities. Uh the things I would like to highlight about the map is that in drawing 50 districts, we only split 15 of 100 counties. Um I will say that um as far as the criteria we have met the plus or -5% population, there's no point continuity in the districts. The I'm sure that you all have been highly anticipating the Senate map and uh looking forward to what changes we may have put together. Um I anticipate that your anticipates having both of these maps on the House floor tomorrow with that said senator heist. Senate map, which will take up first, then we've got the proposed congressional map which will take up second.

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